Video Production

Capture your audience with a strong message delivered to all their senses right to their doorsteps. An effective video is the language you need that will serve you through all channels.

(script writing, storyboard, pre-production, producing, casting, Digital Filming, Interactive Media + Video Marketing, post production, editing, color correction, music & sound design, subtitling)


Make your digital advertising strategy work for your brand with the right mix of formats, creative design, and messaging to achieve your goals. Stand out from the crowd and connect with the specific audiences you want to reach with a targeted digital advertising and media strategy.

Sage Films identifies the right mix of audiences, formats, and creative design and messaging to achieve your goals within your ad budget. We constantly test ad variations, calls-to-action and emerging platforms to refine our strategy and achieve more for your brand with greater cost effectiveness.

REQ’s network of media partners and platforms helps us zero in on the best media mix for your brand. Our capabilities include but are not limited to:

  • Paid search advertising.
  • Social media advertising.
  • Video advertising.
  • Programmatic advertising including geo-fencing.
  • Content marketing and native advertising.
  • Amazon advertising.
  • Account-based marketing (ABM).
  • Out-of-home (OOH) including digital placements, static billboards, and radio.
  • Digital audio.
  • Reach your audience anywhere, on any platform, with to-the-penny accountability.


A brand is the art and science of creating a competitive advantage that differentiates your organization from the competition. At REQ, our brand strategy services are based on years of experience uncovering the emotional reasons why audiences connect to brands. We look deeply into audience behaviors, trends, internal culture, and storytelling to raise a rallying cry for your business, organization, and your target audiences.

Sage Films brings insights about human decision-making to build brands. We merge world-class creative with research, trend analysis, data, and testing to put your brand front and center.

We conduct a brand audit, market analysis, audience segmentation, and business strategy to understand how your brand and business objectives align. We then define your brand position and identify a story that stands out to galvanize your internal culture and differentiate you. Next, we elevate the brand story with a visual identity system, style guides, and a messaging matrix to bring your brand to life.

Whether your goal is investment, recruitment, brand awareness, social advocacy, or conversion rate optimization, Sage Films gives you a brand marketing strategy to own what’s next.


Design is the architecture that gives shape, weight, and texture to your brand. It tells a story, drives decisions, and defines memories.

Design communicates the most essential aspects of your brand to inspire loyalty, bring your team together, and drive business goals.

From graphic design to UX and experiential design services, Sage Films brings a multi-disciplinary design approach to harmonize every element of your brand and present a complete picture to the world.

Our talented designers bring focused attention to every detail, from color choice to font and photo style, to connect your brand story across media, formats, and use cases.

Sage Films leverages design thinking to work backwards from your goal and design for the solution you need.


Design is the architecture that gives shape, weight, and texture to your brand. It tells a story, drives decisions, and defines memories.

Design communicates the most essential aspects of your brand to inspire loyalty, bring your team together, and drive business goals.

From graphic design to UX and experiential design services, Sage Films brings a multi-disciplinary design approach to harmonize every element of your brand and present a complete picture to the world.

Our talented designers bring focused attention to every detail, from color choice to font and photo style, to connect your brand story across media, formats, and use cases.

Sage Films leverages design thinking to work backwards from your goal and design for the solution you need.

Social Media

To succeed as a brand, company, or organization, you need to know how to leverage different social channels to reach your audience with compelling, informative, and engaging social content.

Our SEO, Online Reputation Management, Public Relations, and social media experts collaborate to conduct thorough social media audits. We identify what you’re doing well, where to find specific audiences, and which channels and platforms you may want to add to your digital presence to reach a specific goal.

Sage Films uses proven strategies and tactics to build social calendars and draft content that’s timely, interesting, and shareable. We then work with in-house teams to publish this content or our team can post content from your channels.

We can also work closely with key stakeholders in your brand to understand the types of engagement your social profiles are receiving and craft responses for specific types of comments, questions, tweets, and messages from your audience.

Online Reputation Management

Crucial decisions and opinions are increasingly made based on search results alone. Why leave those results to chance? Present the best and most accurate information about your brand, gain control of your digital reputation, and get noticed for the right reasons with Sage Films.

As a company founded at the dawn of the search engine era, Sage Films defined the field of online reputation management (ORM) and has years of experience equipping leading brands with tactical reputation solutions and ORM services.

We build, monitor, and influence relevant online content, wherever it lives, to accentuate the aspects of your story you want to be known for.

We are relentless about identifying what will move the needle for your brand among over 200 signals Google uses to return search results. Utilizing a comprehensive and holistic approach, we consult and execute on technical SEO services, on-site optimization, and outreach strategy. We deploy innovative and creative tactics to bring home results.

Our proprietary dashboard, Sage Films Perceive™, analyzes search engine results in real time, using qualitative and quantitative metrics to arrive at a singular metric: RepScore. Your RepScore is powered by an algorithm we created to assess the value of your branded search results in light of what we know about user behaviors, at the global, regional, or local level.

These insights make it possible to measure success over time and provide benchmarks that resonate throughout the process.

Additional tools allow us to monitor how your reputation echoes across social media, allowing for sentiment analysis and live tracking alerts.

Online Reputation Management

Crucial decisions and opinions are increasingly made based on search results alone. Why leave those results to chance? Present the best and most accurate information about your brand, gain control of your digital reputation, and get noticed for the right reasons with Sage Films.

As a company founded at the dawn of the search engine era, Sage Films defined the field of online reputation management (ORM) and has years of experience equipping leading brands with tactical reputation solutions and ORM services.

We build, monitor, and influence relevant online content, wherever it lives, to accentuate the aspects of your story you want to be known for.

We are relentless about identifying what will move the needle for your brand among over 200 signals Google uses to return search results. Utilizing a comprehensive and holistic approach, we consult and execute on technical SEO services, on-site optimization, and outreach strategy. We deploy innovative and creative tactics to bring home results.

Our proprietary dashboard, Sage Films Perceive™, analyzes search engine results in real time, using qualitative and quantitative metrics to arrive at a singular metric: RepScore. Your RepScore is powered by an algorithm we created to assess the value of your branded search results in light of what we know about user behaviors, at the global, regional, or local level.

These insights make it possible to measure success over time and provide benchmarks that resonate throughout the process.

Additional tools allow us to monitor how your reputation echoes across social media, allowing for sentiment analysis and live tracking alerts.

Public Relations

Accelerate investment, increase revenue, become a thought leader, or recharge recruiting with proven communications strategies to help you reach specific business outcomes.

We give voice to the industry’s top thinkers and performers and have influenced hundreds of successful product launches, acquisitions, valuations, and IPOs, and helped raise nearly a billion dollars of institutional investment. We offer award-winning B2B, B2G, and tech startup PR capabilities to ensure you own your destination.

Our destinations include:

  • Accelerated investment.
  • Higher revenue.
  • Deeper authority.
  • Recharged recruiting.

Our PR capabilities include:

  • Editorial strategy and content, including blog posts, thought leadership, authored articles, case studies, white papers, and web copy.
  • Media relations.
  • Social media.
  • Events and awards submission strategy and logistics.
  • Branding and messaging.
  • Creative content, including design and digital advertising.
  • Inbound marketing, lead nurturing, and SEO and SEM services.
  • Account strategy, including ROI tracking.


Every brand has a story. How are you telling yours?

Our expert copywriters and content strategists master your brand voice to speak directly and effectively to your target audiences. We understand how to balance being clear with being compelling so that your messaging entices, informs, and inspires your audience to take action.

Our content services range from website content, social media, ad copy, and email campaigns, to long-form thought leadership articles, white papers, eBooks, and more. Sage Films merges every element of content to tell a seamless story.

We stay ahead of messaging and copywriting trends and constantly test messaging to ensure that the content we produce will help you achieve your goals.


Every brand has a story. How are you telling yours?

Our expert copywriters and content strategists master your brand voice to speak directly and effectively to your target audiences. We understand how to balance being clear with being compelling so that your messaging entices, informs, and inspires your audience to take action.

Our content services range from website content, social media, ad copy, and email campaigns, to long-form thought leadership articles, white papers, eBooks, and more. Sage Films merges every element of content to tell a seamless story.

We stay ahead of messaging and copywriting trends and constantly test messaging to ensure that the content we produce will help you achieve your goals.


REQ’s search engine optimization (SEO) strategy has a simple goal. We provide the experience, tools, and expertise to connect brands with the right audiences.

We are relentless about identifying what will move the needle for your brand among over 200 signals Google uses to return search results. Utilizing a comprehensive and holistic approach, we consult and execute on technical SEO services, on-site optimization, and outreach strategy. We deploy innovative and creative tactics to bring home results.

From rich snippets and answer boxes to voice search and E-A-T signals, we know the trends and how they’re shaping a landscape where people increasingly make decisions based on search results alone.

Sage Films meticulously analyzes your competitors and your audiences to understand what they’re doing and adapt our strategy accordingly. We then utilize tools and platforms to help you own your search results and drive conversions.

We understand how search engine optimization (SEO) and digital advertising interact, and can leverage both to put your brand front and center for your audience and continually optimize.